Koala Kare Wall Mounted Countertop Recessed Baby Diaper Changing Station
Material: FDA approved injection-molded polypropylene with Microban® antimicrobial additive embedded into the bed surface.
Colours: Grey (01)
Design: Contoured Changing surface area is 379 sq. in (2445 sq. cm) comes complete with nylon safety straps.
Operation: For use in restrooms where counter space is more abundant than wall space. Highdensity polyethylene has no sharp corners, is easy to clean and resists odors and bacterial growth.
Hygiene Function: Bed surface exclusively contains Microban® antimicrobial, reducing odor causing bacteria.
Warranty: Unit shall be backed by manufacturer’s 5-year limited warranty on materials and workmanship
Dimension: 893 (W) x 565 (H) x 102 (D) mm. 589mm extension when opened.
- Technial Data: https://www.samrick.in/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/KB112-01RE__kb112re_tds.pdf
- Care and Maintenance: https://www.samrick.in/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/KB112-01RE__maintenance_general (1).pdf
- Installation Guide: https://www.samrick.in/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/KB112-01RE__kb112reii_web.pdf
- Sell Sheet: https://www.samrick.in/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/KB112-01RE__SellSheet-KoalaKareBabyChangingStations.pdf
- Info Sheet: https://www.samrick.in/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/KB112-01RE__InfoSheet-WhySpecifyKoala.pdf